Monday, July 5, 2010

Whitehorse to Carmacks to Faro and back to Carmacks

Today was meant to be a short drive. We left Whitehorse and headed to Carmacks with every intention of settling in a taking it easy. But, as we'd been warned, there was nothing to do in the "hub" of the Yukon. So with our bellies full of Braeburn's world famous cinnamon buns we set out to Faro, the Yukon's best kept secret. Now we went there because when we first set foot in the Yukon we were given Yukon "passports" where you collect stamps at certain historical sites to enter to win free gold. We arn't as interested in the free gold as much as collecting all of the stamps so we drove to Faro which was worth one stamp. Round trip we added about 400kms to the day, but the sights were simply communist! The sign said "best kept secret"... What it meant to say is come and visit our post gulag communist influenced living quarters and never mind the ones that have been abandoned or burnt down. Truly a picturesque village nestled between rivers and and extinct volcanoes. We loved it and it's sewage ponds. It's 8:30, warm, bright blue sun, and time to cook dinner.

Wildlife - a grizzly cub, a porcupine, locals
Casualties - almost one porcupine
Kms - 608

Forest fire of 1998

Cinnamon Bun!!!

Five Finger Rapids


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