Sunday, July 18, 2010


Well not much to say about today...

We left off in Hyder Alaska, you know, where you get hyderized. For those of you that have been with me long enough you will remember mr. Richard Simon, the capp and business teacher from brookswood. Long long ago in a high school far far away he talked about the picturesque town of hyder and their blessed grain alcohol. Last night, after years of preparations, Fiona and I got hyderized. We even have wallet sized certificates and t-shirts to prove it. Sidenote- the lovable character on the front of the shirt looks a lot like my dad.

Today we ventured back across the scary border to the great land of Canada to listen to a lecture about global warming. These types of talks are always hard to hear as I find them both sad and infuriating. Luckily we can feel slightly better about ourselves because we have low flow shower heads... But how much gas have we burned this trip? The talk was very informative and the images of the retreating glaciers were startling. The naturist from France brought interesting European perspectives as well as stunning photographs from his travels to both poles.

We spent the rest of our day scurrying up and down the glacier highway. Salmon glacier is as immense as it is amazing. Our photographs will never do its beauty justice, nor for that matter will my words. Better let the devil digital do the talking. That way you can blame it and not me. We went as far north as granduc mine to check out another glacier and capture it on stunning velvia 50/100 before washing our dusty dusty car and stopping into to Stewart's museum. Have you ever wondered where Canada's nicest woman lives? Stewart. She was so full of pleasant. Almost sickening to realize that in comparison to her, I'm the Stalin of niceness.

Tonight we change film and eat fudge from the internationally famous hungry bear fudge lady!

Km - 116

View from Hyder towards Stewart

Berendon Glacier

Salmon Glacier in the sun


Scary Bridge


  1. Is the nicest woman also the fudge lady?

  2. Woo hoo! You got hyderized! You know, I've never been hyderized. Been to Hyder but either I was underage or driving. One day!
