Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Nisga'a Lava Beds

What glorious luck that we awoke to another stunning day!

We ventured back north today after sliding slightly westward on the map. Our time in terrace was so epic that I won't overwhelm you with the details. From that northern gem we travelled north to the nisga'a lava beds for some exploring. It is mind boggling to think of the havoc that this little cone caused over two hundred years ago. In some places the lava is some 30 meters deep. Amazing. The photo ops were endless... Tomorrow we come home!

km- 351

1 comment:

  1. Used to go to the lava beds when we were kids. Still have the rocks to prove it. Terrace isn't the prettiest town - just a crossroads. Both Prince Rupert and Kitimat are beautiful.

    Too bad you guys didn't make it out to Kitimat during the reunion. I think you both would have had fun. Plus we could have pretended you actually graduated with me and then have people try to guess who you were. Oh the LOLs we could have had.
