Today we left Tumbler Ridge with fond memories of roads I would like to never travel again. We ventured forth towards Dawson Creek the start of the Alaska Highway. The scenery was much the same consisting of trees, high ridges, and strong winds. Upon reaching Dawson Creek we stopped and took photos of the iconic mile 0 sign post of the Alaska Highway. The Alaska Highway was built in a mere 8 months by the US army during WWII and goes from Dawson Creek to Fairbanks Alaska. We met many an American at this sign and had to explain that no none of those RVs parked behind the sign were ours and no we weren’t doing the trek in a 4x4 nor a pickup truck instead that little Mazda 3 over there was ours. This got raised eyebrows and the comment “oh I hear the road gets a little rough up north.” But we didn't mind so much because like pregnant teens we judge people who RV ;)
So Devon in all his wisdom decided that he really needed a hair cut at this exact moment in time so we found a barber shop and he buzzed it all off. I am pretty jealous right now but didn't quite have the nerve to do the same. We left Dawson Creek without incident and drove the short distance to Fort St. John where we will be spending the night camping (again) at Charlie Lake. A decent enough spot which meets the criteria of flush toilets and hot showers. It is nice to be in a larger town again so we will celebrate by going to the movies.
Animal sightings- two deer
Casualties- none yay
Kms travelled today- 240

Dawson Creek

A moose!

Old Curved Bridge on the Alaska Highway

Peace River
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