Part of the upside to writing the blog entry the day after the events happen is that you don't miss out on the little gems that surface long after cute,little library with the free wi-fi closes.
Picture it, a pristine starry evening in B.C.'s own Tumbler Ridge, home to ridiculous dirt roads, waterfalls, and dinosaur tracks older than me (I'm only 30, Fiona might be an amazing photographer but her ability with numbers... but I digress). You're nearing the edge of sleepland, oh so close to forgetting that you are in a tent and soon to be dreaming about all sorts of spectacular vistas and wonders, when out of nowhere you hear a woman of beastly proportions screaming, "More! MOre! MORE!" and screeching, "Keep Coming!" Now, I would have been okay with the ghastly chirps if this C.H.U.D.(Look it up on imdb) was doing what you think she was doing, but alas she was only parking an R.V.
Cruise back now 13 or so hours to when we so narrowly avoided what surely would have become known as the Monkman Massacre if we had not been so quick thinking... After safely navigating most of the 61kms of potholes en route to Monkman Provincial Park and Kinuseo Falls, we encountered a couple in literally the middle of nowhere. Their car had broken down. Maybe. For all I know they might have been telling the truth, but I prefer to imagine the situation differently and possibly more truthfully. These were not ordinairy people, they were abhorrent spides draped in heavy metal t-shirts and dirty, ripped jeans desperately trying to lure us into their web of murder. Why not? Why not indeed take or lives for their own? Undoubtedly the woman's spoken and I imagine written English was not adept enough to assume the role of teacher, but surely she could disguise herself as a nurse! However, before I could warn Fiona of these murderers intent, I watched in awe as she uttered those faithful words, "We will pick you up on the way back from viewing the falls." Naivity or is she just that much better of a person than me?
The falls, taller than Niagra, were stunning! I will let the pictures do the talking.
On our way back, those murdering bastards had disappeared. They'd vanished faster than the Cornish language. Fiona was going to pile camera bags on top of them so that they could not implement their wicked plan... you see she was thinking it too! As it turns out we weren't the only ones who thought these vagabonds capable of murder, they were in the back of a super cab pick up truck while the driver sat alone in a compartment built for 5. I smiled and waved sweetly as we passed them.
Onto the Alaska Highway...
Animal Sightings - 1 Chipmunk -- pressumably Dale from the tear in his eye.
Casualties - 0
Kilometres travelled today - 176
From the top of the falls

Kinuseo Falls

The view of the road